2015 الإنشائات بالإنجليزية English Writing : Students smoking

Writing: Students smoking

           Many students take up smoking for different reasons and without thinking of its hazardous effects. So, why do students smoke and what are the effects of smoking on their lives?

           Students start smoking for a variety of reasons. Many teens smoke due to peer pressure and acceptance or for just curiosity. Some of them smoke owing to stress in their lives and are under the misconceived notion that it relaxes them. Others take up smoking as an expression of rebellion or to establish independence and boast self-esteem. Furthermore, some students smoke because of  the assumption that because their parents smoke, it must be okay. Nevertheless, most of such students are not aware of the dangerous effects of tobacco.

             The effects of smoking tobacco are irreversible and may cause severe health problem For instance, smokers run a great risk of lung and throat cancers, heart attacks, premature aging of the skin, wrinkles, stained teeth and finger tips.Moreover, students who smoke lose concentration at school, their grades get worse and some get kicked out of school. What is more is that the nicotine in tobacco smoke is so addictive, both physically and psychologically.

To sum up, the negative aspects of smoking take over the positive ones that some people think tobacco has. Yet , the question that imposes itself is“what role do magazine ads and media play in this issue?”